The Most Important Thing
There is one thing, that is more important than any other piece of information you will find on this website. It is called the Gospel, or the Good News. It is the reason this church exists and the reason any Christians exist. We have found forgiveness, an eternal family, and real hope in a world that never delivers on its promises.
But it wasn't always that way.
It all started with God. He existed before anything else existed. God, wanting to show his beauty, his wonderful love, and his power, created the universe and everything in it. Included in God's creation, God created us and has designed us to know him. We were created uniquely in God's image under his kingship. God created us as a people for his own not because he was lonely or needed us but so that we might share in the recognition of God's glory, his holiness, his awesomeness, and his sovereignty.
But all of humanity, including you and me, rebelled through Adam and Eve in the garden, not wanting God as our King or ruler but wanted to rule ourselves. When we rejected God as King in his kingdom, humanity died in a separation from God and his goodness. We died spiritually and became cursed. We incurred a judgment, a judicial pronouncement of condemnation for our actions.
From that time, over a period of thousands of years, humanity continued to try to make a name for ourselves instead of worshipping the name of the One true, living God. Yet God in his kindness did not destroy everyone. Through the pages of the Bible, God weaves a story of wonderful mercy toward those most undeserving of God’s mercy. Instead of completely rejecting humanity forever because of their rebellion (which the Bible calls sin), God did the most unforeseeable action by sending his own son to live a perfect life of holiness here on earth with the plan for Jesus to die in place for rebels and sinners who could never satisfy a holy judgment against a holy God. God gave Jesus as a substitution in our place to die though Jesus himself was perfect and righteous. Jesus, the Messiah for sinners, died taking on the wrath of God for the broken, the downtrodden, the poor, the weak, and the outcast, and the sinner. Jesus took on our judgment for our sin we committed, though he was without sin. So he died a terrible death on a Roman cross and was buried.
But the grave could not hold him!
Three days later, Jesus rose again, presenting himself before hundreds of people, including those who were with him in his ministry on earth and he commissioned them to be witnesses to the ends of the earth of the salvation to be had by faith in Jesus. By faith in Jesus, the condemned can now stand forgiven before God and are adopted into the family of God. Everyone in Jesus, everyone who responds to King Jesus in faith becomes an heir to the kingdom of God! For all who place their faith in Jesus alone and turn away from their sin (the Bible calls this repentance), God sees them through the blood of Jesus that was poured out for them. Jesus then went to heaven to be our advocate before the father until the time of His return where the kingdom of God completely breaks through bringing fulfillment of the promises of God for his people. So the Bible is about Jesus, his kingship of humanity, his saving actions for people who continuously rebelled against God himself, and God’s mercy through his son to bring his people to him in righteousness.
We find all of this in the Bible. The Bible is God’s self-revelation of himself to his creation where he tells a compelling story of mercy to people who do not deserve it though they continually rebelled against his kindness and grace until the day when his people can dwell with him in perfect holiness.
If this is something you would like to talk more about, please contact us.
There is one thing, that is more important than any other piece of information you will find on this website. It is called the Gospel, or the Good News. It is the reason this church exists and the reason any Christians exist. We have found forgiveness, an eternal family, and real hope in a world that never delivers on its promises.
But it wasn't always that way.
It all started with God. He existed before anything else existed. God, wanting to show his beauty, his wonderful love, and his power, created the universe and everything in it. Included in God's creation, God created us and has designed us to know him. We were created uniquely in God's image under his kingship. God created us as a people for his own not because he was lonely or needed us but so that we might share in the recognition of God's glory, his holiness, his awesomeness, and his sovereignty.
But all of humanity, including you and me, rebelled through Adam and Eve in the garden, not wanting God as our King or ruler but wanted to rule ourselves. When we rejected God as King in his kingdom, humanity died in a separation from God and his goodness. We died spiritually and became cursed. We incurred a judgment, a judicial pronouncement of condemnation for our actions.
From that time, over a period of thousands of years, humanity continued to try to make a name for ourselves instead of worshipping the name of the One true, living God. Yet God in his kindness did not destroy everyone. Through the pages of the Bible, God weaves a story of wonderful mercy toward those most undeserving of God’s mercy. Instead of completely rejecting humanity forever because of their rebellion (which the Bible calls sin), God did the most unforeseeable action by sending his own son to live a perfect life of holiness here on earth with the plan for Jesus to die in place for rebels and sinners who could never satisfy a holy judgment against a holy God. God gave Jesus as a substitution in our place to die though Jesus himself was perfect and righteous. Jesus, the Messiah for sinners, died taking on the wrath of God for the broken, the downtrodden, the poor, the weak, and the outcast, and the sinner. Jesus took on our judgment for our sin we committed, though he was without sin. So he died a terrible death on a Roman cross and was buried.
But the grave could not hold him!
Three days later, Jesus rose again, presenting himself before hundreds of people, including those who were with him in his ministry on earth and he commissioned them to be witnesses to the ends of the earth of the salvation to be had by faith in Jesus. By faith in Jesus, the condemned can now stand forgiven before God and are adopted into the family of God. Everyone in Jesus, everyone who responds to King Jesus in faith becomes an heir to the kingdom of God! For all who place their faith in Jesus alone and turn away from their sin (the Bible calls this repentance), God sees them through the blood of Jesus that was poured out for them. Jesus then went to heaven to be our advocate before the father until the time of His return where the kingdom of God completely breaks through bringing fulfillment of the promises of God for his people. So the Bible is about Jesus, his kingship of humanity, his saving actions for people who continuously rebelled against God himself, and God’s mercy through his son to bring his people to him in righteousness.
We find all of this in the Bible. The Bible is God’s self-revelation of himself to his creation where he tells a compelling story of mercy to people who do not deserve it though they continually rebelled against his kindness and grace until the day when his people can dwell with him in perfect holiness.
If this is something you would like to talk more about, please contact us.